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Table 2 Two-component solution: Promax rotation with Kaiser normalization

From: Construct development: The Suicide Trigger Scale (STS-2), a measure of a hypothesized suicide trigger state

STS-2 numbered items

Component 1 factor loadings

Component 2 factor loadings

18. Strange sensations in body or on skin



19. Something happening to body



39. Headache from too many thoughts in head



5. Unusual physical sensations



20. Thoughts racing



21. Have no control



37. Pressure in head from thinking too much



6. Head could explode from too many thoughts



11. Head or body parts changed in size or shape



30. Doomed



1. Wake up tired and not refreshed



32. Would like troubling thoughts to go away but they won't



34. Hope of change (reversed)



23. Think things will be normal again (reversed)

