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Table 4 Cluster analysis of participants according to socio-demographic characteristics, mental health disorder, and health-care service utilisation (N = 222; data weighted as to age and gender)

From: Typology of adults diagnosed with mental disorders based on socio-demographics and clinical and service use characteristics





1 [N = 57 (25.7%)]

2 [N = 45 (20.3%)]

3 [N = 73 (32.9%)]

4 [N = 47 (21.2%)]

Combined [N = 222 (100%)]

Socio-demographic characteristics

Male [n (%)]

6 (9.1)

17 (25.8)

20 (30.3)

23 (34.8)

66 (100)


Female [n (%)]

51 (32.7)

28 (17.9)

53 (34.0)

24 (15.4)

156 (100)


Age categories [n (%)]


   15-24 years

0 (0)

13 (59.1)

0 (0)

9 (40.9)

22 (100)


   25-34 years

18 (40.0)

7 (15.6)

10 (22.2)

10 (22.2)

45 (100)


   35-44 years

20 (29.9)

17 (25.4)

18 (26.9)

12 (17.9)

67 (100)


   45-54 years

11 (19.6)

6 (10.7)

29 (51.8)

10 (17.9)

56 (100)


   55-69 years

8 (25.0)

2 (6.3)

16 (50.0)

6 (18.8)

32 (100)


Household income [mean (SD)]

37,408.50 (37,070.10)

27,486.10 (23,895.20)

47,359.00 (42,396.70)

30,869.70 (34,131.60)

37,284.90 (36,766.90)

Mental health disorders in the 12 previous months

Psychological distress score [mean (SD)]

16.8 (7.9)

19.1 (7.3)

15.3 (7.9)

13.9 (7.3)

16.2 (7.8)


Alcohol dependence [n (%)]

1 (2.3)

15 (34.9)

0 (0)

27 (62.8)

43 (100)


Drug dependences [n (%)]

0 (0)

19 (52.8)

0 (0)

17 (47.2)

36 (100)


Anxiety (panic disorder, agoraphobia, social phobia) [n (%)]

57 (77.0)

17 (23.0)

0 (0)

0 (0)

74 (100)


Major depressive disorder [n (%)]

28 (20.9)

33 (24.6)

73 (54.5)

0 (0)

134 (100)


Mania [n (%)]

0 (0)

24 (100)

0 (0)

0 (0)

24 (100)


Number of mental disorders per subject [mean (SD)]

1.7 (0.7)

2.6 (1.1)

1.0 (0.1)

1.1 (0.2)

1.5 (0.8)

Health-care service utilisation in the 12 previous months

Number of health services used [mean (SD)]

2.6 (2.1)

3.0 (2.2)

2.4 (1.6)

2.1 (1.9)

2.5 (1.9)



Young females with anxiety disorders

Young low-income earners with multiple mental and dependence disorders

Middle-aged, high-income females with depressive disorders

Young low-income earners with dependence disorders