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Table 1 Inclusion criteria for systematic review

From: Systematic review of beliefs, behaviours and influencing factors associated with disclosure of a mental health problem in the workplace

Aspect of interest

Inclusion criteria for Q1 and Q2

Inclusion criteria for Q3 and Q4

1. Population

Person with a mental health problem such as would be considered disabled under the Disability Discrimination Act 2005.

Persons involved in hiring decisions or managing individuals with a mental health problem. Includes employer, HR professional, occupational health professional, students or others participating in these role

2. Context

The context included voluntary or supported/sheltered employment as well as competitive or paid employment.

Presents information on hiring/retaining individuals with a mental health problem in voluntary or supported/sheltered environment as well as competitive or paid employment.

3. Outcome

Provided evidence to address one of the below issues:

1. The disclosure beliefs of people with a mental health problem

2. The disclosure behaviours of people with a mental health problem

3. Factors related to disclosure

Provided evidence to address one of the below issues:

1. The disclosure beliefs of employers

2. The hiring/job short-listing behaviour of employers

3. Factors related to hiring/job short-listing behaviour of employers

4. Study type

Any type of study containing primary data (quantitative or qualitative). Review papers and other non-data based papers which fulfil inclusion criteria 1-3 were retained and reference list were searched for relevant data-based papers, however they were not included in the review

5. Publication Type

Published journal papers or journal papers in press or unpublished dissertations or reports

6. Language

All languages. Where an English version of the title was not available, translation was performed

7. Time frame

Published 1990 to August 2010

  1. The reference lists of ten identified review papers were hand searched to identify additional papers [7–17]. The reference lists of all included papers were also searched