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Table 3 Exclusion criteria in ROM patients suffering from MDD

From: The generalizability of psychotherapy efficacy trials in major depressive disorder: an analysis of the influence of patient selection in efficacy trials on symptom outcome in daily practice

Exclusion criterion

All MDD patients (n=598)

Patients who received psychotherapy only (n=80)

Current or past abuse or dependence of drugs

2.3% (n=14)

5.0% (n=4)

Current or past abuse or dependence of alcohol

5.0% (n=30)

2.5% (n=2)

Not Meeting Baseline Severity Threshold

21.9% (n=131)

30.8% (n=24)

Previous use of medication or ECT

44.1% (n=230)

13.8% (n=11)

(all patients received antidepressants, none of the patients received ECT prior to psychotherapy

Missing data: n=77

Missing data: n=0