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Table 4 Principal components analysis of the hyperactivity-impulsivity symptoms of ADHD DSM-V Checklist

From: Psychometric analysis of the new ADHD DSM-V derived symptoms

Hyperactivity-impulsivity symptoms






ADHD- item10- fidgets with hands



ADHD- item11- leaves seat in classroom



ADHD- item 12- runs about



ADHD- item 13- playing or leisure activities



ADHD- item 14- often "on the go"



ADHD- item 15- talks excessively



ADHD- item 16- blurts out answers



ADHD- item 17- awaiting turn



ADHD- item 18- interrupts or intrudes on others



ADHD- item 19- act without thinking



ADHD- item 20- impatient



ADHD- item 21- uncomfortable doing things slowly and systematically



ADHD- item 22- difficult to resist temptations or opportunities



  1. Extraction Method: Principal Component Analysis. Rotation Method: Varimax with Kaiser Normalization.