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Table 5 Principal component analysis including the DSM-IV derived inattentiveness symptoms and the four new symptoms proposed in DSM-V

From: Psychometric analysis of the new ADHD DSM-V derived symptoms

Inattentiveness symptom of DSM-IV and new proposed symptoms in DSM-V






ADHD- item 1- makes careless mistakes



ADHD- item 2- sustaining attention



ADHD- item 3- listening when spoken to



ADHD- item 4- follows instructions



ADHD- Item 5- organizing tasks



ADHD-Item 6 - sustained mental effort



ADHD- item 7- loses things



ADHD- item 8- distracted by extraneous stimuli



ADHD- item 9- forgetful in daily activities



ADHD- item 19- act without thinking



ADHD- item 20- impatient



ADHD- item 21- uncomfortable doing things slowly and systematically



ADHD- item 22- difficult to resist temptations or opportunities



  1. Extraction Method: Principal Component Analysis. Rotation Method: Varimax with Kaiser Normalization.