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Figure 1 | BMC Psychiatry

Figure 1

From: Frontal lobe changes occur early in the course of affective disorders in young people

Figure 1

VBM grey matter results. Group difference, grey matter volume maps rendered on the MNI152 structural template. Statistically significant clusters of grey matter changes calculated using 23 patients at stage 1 (i.e. help-seeking/attenuated syndrome), 24 patients at stage 2/3 (i.e. discrete disorder/persistent or recurrent illness) and 33 healthy control subjects. Contrast 1 depicts healthy control subjects versus stage 1 subjects (grey matter loss occurring at stage 1 is presented in orange). Contrast 2 depicts healthy controls versus stage 2/3 (grey matter loss is presented in blue). Finally contrast 3 depicts grey matter volume changes in stage 1 versus stage 2/3 subjects (regions of significant grey matter loss are presented in green). Abbreviations are as follows: SFG = superior frontal gyrus; OFC = orbito frontal cortex; IFG = inferior frontal gyrus; MFG = middle frontal gyrus; ACG = anterior cingulate gyrus; Cing = cingulate; Ins = insula; Amyg = amygdala; MedFC = medial frontal gyrus; Caud = caudate; PHG = parahippocampal gyrus; SCC = subcallosal cortex. Images are radiologically oriented.

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