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Table 2 Overview of demographic and clinical data in relatives in the total sample and by family subtype

From: The identification of family subtype based on the assessment of subclinical levels of psychosis in relatives


Total sample (N = 1392)

“Healthy” (N = 637)

“At risk” (N = 755)

Test statistic (df)


Mean age (SD)


40.37 (15.68)

40.40 (15.41)

40.35 (15.91)

Wald(1) = .00


N male (%)


605 (43.5)

280 (44.0)

325 (43.0)

Wald(1) = .12


N diagnosis (%)


1111 (79.8)

586 (92)

525 (69.5)

Wald(2) = 95.93




258 (18.5)

42 (6.6)

216 (28.6)



23 (1.7)

9 (1.4)

14 (1.8)




103.65 (16.15)

104.11 (15.72)

103.28 (15.91)

Wald(1) = 0.90


  1. Note:- As a posthoc analysis, we repeated these analyses in relatives unaffected for depression. The differences between relatives from the two subtypes became somewhat smaller, but were still highly significant.
  2. - These analyses were performed in LatentGold and were corrected for family structure by taking into account possible correlations within families.