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Table 4 Interpersonal process recall interview: Examples of prompting process questions on recorded supervision sessions

From: Developing psychotherapists’ competence through clinical supervision: protocol for a qualitative study of supervisory dyads

Sample process questions in IPR interviews



· What prompted you to make that particular response?

· What prompted you to make that particular response?

· What were you thinking/feeling at the time?

· What were you thinking/feeling at the time?

· What was your thinking process when you asked that question/made that statement?

· What was your thinking process when you asked that question/made that statement?

· What did you make of that comment?

· What did you make of that comment?

· What did you think the supervisee was feeling when they said…?

· How would you describe the key issue for you as the supervisee here?

· How would you describe the key issue for the supervisee here?

· How would you describe the key issue for the client?

· What do you think the supervisee most needs at this point?

· What do you think you most needed at this point in the supervision?

· What might you have said/done differently?

· What might the supervisor have said/done that would have been more helpful for you?