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Table 1 GetREAL staff training intervention fidelity assessment

From: Study protocol: cluster randomised controlled trial to assess the clinical and cost effectiveness of a staff training intervention in inpatient mental health rehabilitation units in increasing service users’ engagement in activities

Get REAL intervention component

Completed (Y/N)

Predisposing Visit


Predisposing meeting held with the unit’s senior team members attended by at least one of the REAL research steering group’s senior psychiatrists (HK, FH, TC) to explain the purpose of the GetREAL intervention and gain senior staff “sign up” to support the GetREAL team’s work


Dates for the first GetREAL training day/s for unit staff, and release of staff to attend, are agreed with the unit manager before the GetREAL team arrive


Unit manager agrees to provide unit keys and, where possible, IT access/email accounts for the GetREAL team OT and Activity Worker


Initial Training


At least two members of the GetREAL team deliver the initial training


At least 50% of the unit staff attend


Initial evaluation forms are completed by all staff attending


Action plans are agreed for the next 4 weeks


Enabling Phase


GetREAL team work alongside unit staff for at least 5 weeks including the training days


At least one structural change/enhancement is agreed to facilitate service users’ (SU) activities


Note whether any other unit structural/process changes made secondary to the GetREAL team’s suggestions that may not directly relate to SU activities


Individual SU goal setting (regarding activities) is carried out and recorded in care plans for at least 50% of SUs on the unit


Final Training


At least two members of the GetREAL team deliver the final training


At least 50% of the unit staff attend


The certificate of attendance is awarded to at least 50% of unit staff (staff have to attend both the initial and final training to receive the certificate)


Sustainability and Reinforcing Phase


At the end of the 5 weeks, a written action plan for the unit to continue the GetREAL work for the next 12 months is agreed


The 12 month action plan is circulated to all unit staff by the GetREAL team


At the end of the 5 weeks, activity is included in at least 50% of SUs’ individual care plans


A link person is identified to keep email contact with the GetREAL team/steering group members for up to 12 months


GetREAL team/steering group members make email contact at least twice with the unit in the 12 months following the 5 week visit


The link person contacts the GetREAL team at least once during the 12 month period


Supervision and Support of the GetREAL Team


GetREAL SU consultants are supported by the OTs through face to face/email/telephone discussion as required


GetREAL Activity Workers are supervised by the OTs weekly during each intervention period


GetREAL OTs are supervised at least three times per intervention period by the REAL research OT and/or the REAL organisational change psychologist by phone, skype, email or face to face contact


GetREAL OTs attend line management meeting with the REAL senior OT once per intervention period


Total Score = total number of Y’s (max 24)