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Table 1 Baseline, mid, post-treatment estimated means, standard deviations, MMRM ANOVA, and effect sizes for outcome measures

From: CBT for depression: a pilot RCT comparing mobile phone vs. computer





Follow up


Effect Size


M (SD) (n=35)

M (SD) (n=30)

M (SD) (n=25)

M (SD) (n=23)

Pre to post within group (measurement occasion)

Pre to post between group (time by study group interaction)

Pre to follow up within group (measurement occasion)

Pre to follow up between group (time by study group interaction)

Within-subjects pre- post- treatment comparison for treatment group (95% confidence intervals)

Between group post treatment comparison (95% confidence intervals)

PHQ-9 Mobile

14.65 (1.37)

6.45 (1.51)

6.55 (1.51)

5.28 (1.63)

F [2, 51.97] = 33.22, P=<.001

F [2, 51.97] = 1.09, P=.34

F [3, 73.6] = 28.4, P=<.001

F [3, 73.6] = .875, P=.458

1.41 (.55-2.26)

−0.47 (−0.47- 0.20)

PHQ-9 Computer

14.20 (1.62)

8.98 (1.24)

7.21 (1.26)

7.18 (1.32)


.92 (.19-1.64)


BDI-II Mobile

33.46 (2.95)


12.53 (3.26)

11.66 (3.47)

F [1, 25.55] = 86.02, P=.<.001

F [1, 25.55] = .41, P=.52

F [2, 47.09] = 60.1, P=.<.001

F [2, 47.0] = 1.7, P=.19

1.79 (0.92-2.65)

−0.37 (−1.05- 0.29)

BDI-II Computer

30.90 (2.55)


13.68 (2.79)

16.75 (2.85)


1.88 (1.14-2.62)


K-10 Mobile

30.60 (2.06)

22.44 (2.21)

20.03 (2.21)

19.74 (2.31)

F [6, 153.9] = 24.3,P=<.001)

F [6, 153.9] = .359, P=.90)

F [7, 1734.5] = 28.4, P=<.001)

F [7,174.91] = .370, P=.919)

1.05 (.20-1.89)

0.03 (−0.63-0.70)

K-10 Computer

30.15 (1.78)

24.12 (1.86)

19.95 (1.88)

19.55 (1.93)


1.22 (.52-1.92)


SDS days lost Mobile

2.20 (.62)


.74 (.42)


SDS days lost Computer

2.10 (.44)


1.15 (.37)


SDS days underproductive Mobile

4.13 (.54)


2.23 (.71)


SDS days underproductive Computer

4.25 (.47)


1.89 (.53)