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Table 1 Demographic and clinical characteristics of participants (n = 78) with eating disorders

From: Using the mood disorder questionnaire and bipolar spectrum diagnostic scale to detect bipolar disorder and borderline personality disorder among eating disorder patients


Mean (SD) or N (%)

Age, years

29.5 (7.4)

Education, years

13.8 (2.4)

Marital status, single

58 (74%)

Occupational status



37 (47%)

Part-time worker (or student)

16 (21%)

Full-time worker (or student)

25 (32%)

Age at onset of eating disorder

19.1 (4.8)

Body mass index

17.3 (4.4)

Subtype of eating disorder


Anorexia nervosa restricting type

11 (14%)

Anorexia nervosa binge-eating purging subtype

24 (31%)

Bulimia nervosa purging subtype

27 (35%)

Restricting EDNOS

2 (3%)

Binge-eating / purging EDNOS

14 (18%)

Frequency of binge eating (episodes/week)

4.6 (4.6)

Frequency of vomiting (episodes/week)

4.9 (4.2)

History of major depressive episode(s)

55 (71%)

 Age at onset, years

20.5 (4.8)

History of manic episode(s)

0 (0%)

History of hypomanic episode(s)

15 (19%)

Age at onset, years

23.1 (5.6)

Borderline personality disorder

12 (15%)

Histrionic personality disorder

23 (30%)

BSDS total score

9.2 (6.2)


22 (28%)


31 (40%)

MDQ≥7 with moderate functional impairment

15 (19%)

MDQ≥5 with minor functional impairment

30 (39%)

  1. MDQ: Mood Disorder Questionnaire, BSDS: Bipolar Spectrum Diagnostic Scale, EDNOS: Eating disorder not otherwise specified.