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Table 1 Topic guide

From: Adult attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder and nicotine use: a qualitative study of patient perceptions

Main questions

“Can you tell me about your smoking?”

“Have you ever thought about your reasons for smoking?”

“What is the purpose of smoking?”

“What are the effects if you smoke?”

“In your opinion, is there a relationship between symptoms of ADHD and your personal patterns of smoking?”

“If you used prescribed drugs for treatment of ADHD (and/or other mental disorders) now or in the past, did you notice a relationship between your use of these drugs and your patterns of smoking?”

Additional questions

“Did you (do you) notice any changes in (your symptoms of ADHD) when you were smoking?”

“If you ever stopped smoking, did it have an effect on you? What kind? For how long?”

Clarifying questions

“Can you expand a little on this?”

“Can you tell me anything else?”


“Can you give me some examples?”