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Table 3 Adjusted fluctuating asymmetry-difference method: right-left differences of finger ridge counts anda-b ridge counts in male and females

From: Directional and fluctuating asymmetry in finger and a-b ridge counts in psychosis: a case-control study


Mean (SD)



Non-affective Psychosis

Affective Psychosis



Digit I

0.35 (0.03)

0.31 (0.03)

0.41 (0.05)

Digit II

0.39 (0.04)

0.54 (0.05)*

0.46 (0.10)

Digit III

0.42 (0.05)

0.39 (0.04)

055 (0.14)

Digit IV

0.30 (0.03)

0.27 (0.03)

0.29 (0.05)

Digit V

0.29 (0.03)

0.37 (0.04)

0.32 (0.04)

FRC (right vs left)

0.13 (0.02)

0.15 (0.01)

0.30 (0.13)

a-b RC

0.08 (0.01)

0.07 (0.01)

0.08 (0.01)



Digit I

0.35 (0.03)

0.43 (0.06)

0.27 (0.05)

Digit II

0.54 (0.05)

0.50 (0.08)

0.49 (0.11)

Digit III

0.40 (0.05)

0.43 (0.06)

0.34 (0.06)

Digit IV

0.37 (0.04)

0.32 (0.04)

0.34 (0.07)

Digit V

0.29 (0.03)

0.37 (0.05)

0.28 (0.05)

FRC (right vs left)

0.17 (0.03)

0.17 (0.03)

0.14 (0.03)


0.06 (0.01)

0.07 (0.01)

0.09 (0.01)**

  1. FRC = finger ridge count, a-bRC = a-b ridge count, Significant difference (F-test based on General Linear Model with adjusted probability estimates with Tukey-Kramer Test): * between non-affective psychosis and affective psychosis (p < 0.05) ** between affective psychosis and controls (p < 0.05)