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Table 5 Concomitant medication

From: Effectiveness of second generation antipsychotics: A systematic review of randomized trials





Crespo-Facorro et al. [24]

H = O = R (benzodiazepines for anxiety/agitation or EPS; hypnotics)

H > R > O (anticholinergics for EPS) (p < 0.0001)

McEvoy et al. [25]

O = Q = R (postbaseline adjunctive medication use for dysphoria/depression, anxiety, insomnia, agitation/excitement)

O > Q (proportion receiving concomitant medications for parkinsonism or akathisia) (p = 0.021)

Robinson et al. [26]

O = R (divalproex, sertraline, benztropin, propranolol, lorazepam)



Chrzanowski et al. [27]

A = O (anticholinergics)

Kraus et al.* [28]

O = R (benztropine and/or trihexyphenidyl, mood-stabilizers, antidepressants, haloperidol, quetiapine, ziprasidone, perphenazine, lorazepam and/or clonazepam)

R > O (diphenhydramine and/or hydroxyzine) (p = 0.05)

McCue et al. * [29]

A = H = O = Q = R = Z (dosages of additional: haloperidol, lorazepam, benzatropine)

A = H = O = Q = R = Z (patients receiving additional: mood stabiliser, antidepressant, anxiolytic)

A > Q > R > Z > H > O (dosage of diphenhydramine) (p = 0.004)

H > R > Q = Z > A = O (patients receiving anticholinergics) (p < 0.0001)



Jerrel * [30]

O & R > FGA (odds of being prescribed mood-stabilizers or supplemental antipsychotics) (p < 0.001)

Lieberman et al. [31]

O = P = Q = R = Z (lithium, anticonvulsants, oral glucose-lowering drugs, insulin, cholestatin drugs)

R > Z > O > P > Q (antidepressants) (p = 0.03)

R = P = Z > O > Q (hypnotics, sedatives) (p = 0.03)

P = Z > Q > R > O (anxiolytics) (p < 0.001)

P > R > Z > O > Q (anticholinergics agents) (p = 0.01)

Mullen et al.* [32]

Not disclosed

Ritchie et al. [33]

Not disclosed

Ritchie et al. [34]

Not disclosed

Rosenheck et al. [35]

Not disclosed

Stroup et al. [36]

O = Q = R = Z (details not disclosed)

Stroup et al. [37]

O = Q = R (lithium, anticonvulsants, antidepressants, hypnotic, sedatives, anxiolytics, anticholinergics, oral glucose-lowering drugs and insulin, cholestatin drugs)

Swartz et al. [38]

Not disclosed

Tunis et al. [39]

Details not disclosed

  1. Abbreviations: A = Aripiprazole, FGAs = First generation antipsychotics, O = Olanzapine, P = Perphenazine, Q = Quetiapine, R = Risperidone, Z = Ziprasidone, EPS = the extrapyramidal syndrome, * = Additional antipsychotics permitted.