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Fig. 1 | BMC Psychiatry

Fig. 1

From: Contribution of estradiol levels and hormonal contraceptives to sex differences within the fear network during fear conditioning and extinction

Fig. 1

Insular cortex activations as a function of hormonal status grouping and phases of the fear conditioning and extinction paradigm. Significant functional activations of the insular cortex are displayed as a function of the different phases: fear conditioning (a), late extinction learning (b), and early extinction recall (c). The Montreal Neurological Institute (MNI) coordinates are listed below each functional activation, along with the corresponding statistics (note that the reported p values are FWE corrected). The lower panel indicates the BOLD signal extracted from the corresponding cluster as a function of the different groups during conditioning (a), late extinction (b), and early recall (c). FWE: family-wise error, M: men, HE: high estradiol women, LE: low estradiol women, OC: oral contraceptive users. Significant differences are noted (* p  0.05 ** p < 0.01)

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