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Table 5 Psychiatric disorders at 2 years and their association with satisfaction with health 2 and 6 years post-tsunami (N = 58)

From: The relationship between psychiatric morbidity and quality of life: interview study of Norwegian tsunami survivors 2 and 6 years post-disaster


Health satisfaction at T1

Health satisfaction at T2

Health satisfaction at T2 controlling for T1

Depressive disorders

-1.13 (-1.94, -0.31)**

-1.89 (-2.48, -1.31)***

-1.51 (-2.08, -0.95)***

Specific phobia

-0.35 (-1.02, 0.33)

-0.24 (-0.73, 0.25)

-0.12 (-0.56, 0.32)


-0.12 (-1.30, 1.07)

0.30 (-0.55, 1.15)

0.34 (-0.42, 1.10)

Other anxiety disorders

-0.16 (-0.86, 0.54)

-0.26 (-0.76, 0.24)

-0.20 (-0.65, 0.25)

Substance disorders

0.33 (-0.75, 1.41)

-0.04 (-0.81, 0.73)

-0.15 (-0.84, 0.54)

Health satisfaction at T1


-0.34 (-0.52, -0.15)***

Adjusted R2




  1. Multiple linear regression analyses of psychiatric disorders at 2 years association with satisfaction with health 2 (T1) and 6 years (T2) post-tsunami. Figures are unstandardized regression coefficients, with 95 % confidence intervals in parenthesis. All independent variables were entered simultaneously into the models. Age and gender were controlled in all models. Gender was not a significant predictor of Health satisfaction in any of the models. Age was significantly related to Health satisfaction at T1 (B = -0.03, 95 % CI = -0.05 to 0.00, p = .05), but was not significant in any of the other models. Health satisfaction is here measured with a single question from WHOQOL-BREF: “How satisfied are you with your health?”
  2. *P ≤ .05; **P ≤ .01; ***USP ≤ .001