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Table 4 Studies considering externalizing disorders and delinquency

From: The cost-effectiveness of family/family-based therapy for treatment of externalizing disorders, substance use disorders and delinquency: a systematic review

Studies considering both costs and effects

Sheidow (2004) [23]


Costs intervention (MST)

 Medicaid (government insurance program) costs (inpatient, Outpatient, Pharmacy, other costs), Other treatment costs paid for by study


 Medicaid costs: 0-end treatment (4 months): €9,311 (±7,755)

 Medicaid costs: End treatment-12 months: €13,237 (±15,144)

 Other treatment costs paid for by study: €11,617

Costs comparator (CAU)

 Medicaid (government insurance program) costs (inpatient, Outpatient, Pharmacy, other costs), Other treatment costs paid for by study


 Medicaid costs: 0-end treatment (4 months): €13,255 (±5,762)

 Medicaid costs: End treatment-12 months: €15,207 (±18,485)

 Other treatment costs paid for by study: €0

Difference costs (CostsCAU-CostsMST) (after risk adjusted model):

 0-end treatment (total costs):

 End treatment- 12 months post-treatment (total costs):

-€ 1,828

-€452 (SE = 14)

Effects intervention

 CBCL: Externalizing scores, internalizing scores:

 GSI: Global severity index are measures

 The main effects were not showed in this study but only differences over time were presented.

Effects comparator

 CBCL: Externalizing scores, internalizing scores:

 GSI: Global severity index

 The main effects were not showed in this study but only differences over time were presented.

Difference effects (EffectsCAU-EffectsMST) (after risk adjusted model):

 0-end treatment:

 end treatment- 12 months post-treatment:

Externalizing:-14.75 (SE = 8.37)

Internalizing:-14.19 (SE = 9.26)

Global severity index: −0.03 (SE = 0.497)

Externalizing:3.29 (SE = 9.97)

Internalizing:-6.18 (SE = 9.67)

Global severity index: −0.37 (SE = 0.428)


ICER: 1 point improvement in externalizing scores for usual care was associated with a cost of €1,561. 1 point improvement in externalizing scores for MST was associated with a costs of €404. After 12 months both treatments have comparable costs and externalizing scores.

Studies considering costs and benefits

Olsson4 (2010) [26]

Costs intervention (MST)

 Treatment costs: € 10.789

 Travel: € 53 (133)

Costs comparator (CAU)

 Travel: €151 (225)

Benefits intervention (MST)

 Psychosocial and behavioral effects: −

 Social services (placement): € 31.947 (€65.869)

 Social services (nonplacement): € 8.557 (19.459)

 National board of institutional care (rebate): € 3.009 (11.014)

 National board of institutional care (placements): € 3.593 (31.937)

 Wider societal costs and benefit: set to zero

 Psychosocial and behavioral effects: set to zero

Benefits comparator (CAU)

Program effects

Social services (Placement): € 36.707 (73.407)

Social services (nonplacement): € 14.914 (15.405)

National board of institutional care (rebate): € 2.375 (9.949)

National board of institutional care (placements): 0 (0) SEK

Wider societal costs and benefit: set to zero



The net loss to society after two years is € 4.555

Cary (2013) [28]

Costs interventions (MST + YOT)

 Treatment costs:€ 3.013 (1.940)

 Social worker: € 733 (446)

 Reparation worker: € 100 (131)

 Drugs worker: € 54 (74)

 Connexions worker: € 33 (69)

 Parenting worker: € 36 (137)

 Group worker: € 17 (34)

 Psychologist: € 17 (67)

 Other appointments:€ 20 (59)

Costs comparator (YOT)

 Social worker: € 1.023 (779)

 Reparation worker: € 83 (14)

 Drugs worker: € 78 (152)

 Connexions worker: € 18 (61)

 Parenting worker: € 90 (182)

 Group worker: € 22 (44)

 Psychologist: € 30 (91)

 Other appointments: € 26 (95)

Benefits interventions (MST + YOT)

Benefits comparator (YOT)

Offending behavior (Young offender information system):

 € 12,397 (18 472)

 € 15,409 (24,013)



Difference (Costs + benefits) between treatments € 1.612 (95 % C.I-€ 7.699-€ to 10.924)

In the cost-effectiveness plane, we see, there is 63 % probability that the net benefit of MST + Yot is positive in favor of the MST + YOT group.

Dopp (2014) [30]

Costs interventions (MST)

Costs per patient: € 9,756

Costs comparator (CAU)

Costs per patient: € 1,843

Benefits intervention (MST)

Benefits comparator (IT)

 Benefits for taxpayer

 Murder: € 0

 Sexual offenses: € 922

 Robbery: € 188

 Assault: € 1.156

 Property: € 2.395

 Drug: € 916

 Theft: € 131

 Stolen property: € 24

 Fraud: € 259

 Assault: € 236

 Drug: € 777

 TOTAL: € 7.007

 Benefits for taxpayer

 Murder: € 0

 Sexual offenses: € 602

 Robbery: € 308

 Assault: € 1.697

 Property: € 1.899

 Drug: € 1.334

 Theft: € 188

 Stolen property: € 53

 Fraud: € 224

 Assault: € 294

 Drug: € 598

 TOTAL: € 7.197



Crime victim avoided expenses


 Tangible: € 6.125

 Intangible: € 11.365


 Tangible: € 259

 Intangible: € 3.439


 Tangible: € 575

 Intangible: € 1.422


 Tangible: € 539

 Intangible: € 2.926


 Tangible: € 3.914

 Intangible: € 0


 Tangible: € 0

 Intangible: € 0


 Tangible: € 11.412

 Intangible: € 19.151

Net present values and benefit-cost ratios

 Net present value

 Referred youths

 Taxpayer: € 2.348

 Crime victim tangible: € 2.389

 Crime victim intangible € 9.375

 Cumulative: € 29.939


 Taxpayer: € 674

 Crime victim tangible: € 2.702

 Crime victim intangible: € 4.533

 Cumulative: € 6.561

 Sibling pairs

 Taxpayer: € 1.399

 Crime victim tangible: € 3.499

 Crime victim intangible: € 11.238

 Cumulative*: € 31.962

 *: Includes the incremental costs of MST over IT

 Benefit cost ratio

 Referred youths

 Taxpayer: 1.3

 Crime victim tangible: 1.3

 Crime victim intangible 2.19

 Cumulative: 4.78


 Taxpayer: -

 Crime victim tangible: -

 Crime victim intangible: -

 Cumulative: -

 Sibling pairs

 Taxpayer: 1.18

 Crime victim tangible: 1.44

 Crime victim intangible: 2.42

 Cumulative*: 5.04

 *: Includes the incremental costs of MST over CAU

Sensitivity analysis

Max (plausible) values

Crime victim intangible benefits: € 48.087

Sibling juvenile arrest rates: € 30.74

Discount rates: € 24.063

Min (plausible) values

Crime victim intangible benefits: € 17.561

Sibling juvenile arrest rates:-

Discount rates: € 36.704

Borduin (2015) [31]


 Costs interventions (MST-PSB)

 Costs per patient: € 10,566

 Costs comparator (CAU)

 Costs per patient: €4,610

Benefits intervention (MST-PSB)

 Benefits for taxpayer

 Murder: € 0

 Sexual offenses: € 6.419

 Robbery: € 2.189

 Assault: € 0

 Property: € 2.831

 Drug: € 1.899

 Theft: € 180

 Stolen property€ 0

 Fraud: € 91

 Assault: € 250

 Drug: € 512

 TOTAL: € 14.371

Benefits comparator (CAU)

 Benefits for taxpayer

 Murder: € 0

 Sexual offenses: € 15.756

 Robbery: € 0

 Assault: € 2.194

 Property: € 3.790

 Drug: € 518

 Theft: € 65

 Stolen property: € 39

 Fraud: € 75

 Assault: € 289

 Drug: € 112

 TOTAL: € 22.839


Crime victim avoided expenses


 Tangible: € 41.048

 Intangible: € 76.169


 Tangible: € 1.739

 Intangible: € 23.044


 Tangible: € 3.850

 Intangible: € 9.529


 Tangible: € 3.612

 Intangible: € 19.611


 Tangible: € 26.244

 Intangible: € 0


 Tangible: € 76.494

 Intangible: € 128.353

Net present values and benefit-cost ratios

 Net present value

 Referred youths

 Taxpayer: € € 79.891

 Crime victim tangible: € 70.538

 Crime victim intangible € 122.397

 Cumulative*: € 284.739


 Benefit cost ratio

 Referred youths

 Taxpayer: 14.41

 Crime victim tangible: 12.84

 Crime victim intangible 21.55

 Cumulative: 48.81

 *: Includes the incremental costs of MST over CAU

Sensitivity analysis

Max (plausible) values

Crime victim intangible benefits: € 387.085

Discount rates: € 239.009

Posttreatment arrest rates: € 478.277

Min (plausible) values

Crime victim intangible benefits : € 188.217

Discount rates: € 311.107

Posttreatment arrest rates: € 91.673

  1. Currency and price year: Schoenwald 1996.USD, 1996; French 2003. United States Dollar (USD), 1999; Mc Collister (2009). USD,2008; Olsson (2010) Swedish krona (SEK), 2007; Cary (2013). Pounds, 2008; Dopp (2014) USD, 2012; Borduin (2015) USD, 2013. When a price year was not stated it was estimated by taking the mean year of the study duration or when not available subtracting 1 from the year of publication of the study. For Schoenwald et al. (2006), 1996 was taken as prices year although the study was also published in 1996. This was because they already published their first study in 1996 (preliminary findings) and subsequently probably the current study was conducted in 1996
  2. MST multisystemic therapy, Joint combination of individual and family therapy, group skill-focused psycho-education group intervention, CAU care as usual, FSN family support network, MDFT multidimensional family treatment, MET/CBT12 motivational enhancement treatment/cognitive behavior therapy, 12 sessions, MET/CBT5 motivational enhancement treatment/cognitive behavior therapy, 5 sessions, ACRA adolescent community reinforcement approach, DC drug court with community services, DC + MST drug court with multisystemic therapy; DC + MST + CM drug court with MST and enhanced with a contingency management programs, FFT functional family therapy, FC family court with community services, MST-PSB MST for sexual behaviors; ICER incremental cost-effectiveness ratio