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Table 2 Description of the overall sample and comparisons between under-18 s and 18+

From: Predictive factors of dropout from inpatient treatment for anorexia nervosa



(≥18 years)

(<18 years)

Comparisons 18+ with under-18 s

N = 180

N = 97

N = 83


N (%)

N (%)

N (%)

Student’s test or chi-square (p value)


n = 58 (32.22 %)

n = 41 (42.26 %)

n = 17 (20.48 %)

9.72 (0.004)

AN Type


 Anorexia nervosa Restrictive Type

N = 88 (48.89 %)

n = 48 (49.49 %)

n = 40 (48.19 %)

0.06 (0.81)

 Anorexia nervosa Bingeing Purging Type

N = 92 (51.11 %)

n = 49 (50.51 %)

n = 43 (51,81 %)


m (sd)

m (sd)

m (sd)


Age at admission

20.67 (6.77)

24.83 (6.78)

15.82 (1.39)

12.78 (<0.001)

BMI at admission

14.16 (1.42)

14.04 (1.44)

14.30 (1.44)

1. 23 (0.22)

Minimum BMI

13.02 (1.59)

12.62 (1.58)

13.51 (1.48)

3.89 (<0.01)

BMI at discharge

17.19 (2.13)

16.57 (2.27)

17.91 (1.68)

4.51 (<0.001)

BMI target fixed by healthcare team

17.83 (1.76)

17.52 (2.02)

18.15 (1.39)

(2.35) 0.02

Duration evolution AN (months)

49.95 (54.25)

73.40 (63.47)

22.78 (20.55)

6.91 (<0.001)

Number of previous hospitalisations for AN

1.18 (0.82)

1.23 (0.80)

1.12 (0.85)

0.89 (0.375)

Duration of hospitalisation (days)

129.76 (102.49)

123.06 (103.06)

137.6 (101.83)

0.95 (0.344)

Score for “weight concern” EDE-Q subscale

3.69 (1.45)

3. 89 (1.35)

3.45 (1.54)

2.04 (0.043)

Score for “restraint” l’EDE-Q subscale

3.79 (1.81)

4.06 (1.82)

3.47 (1.75)

2.16 (0.032)

Score for “depression” on HADS

9.28 (4.43)


8.31 (4.17)

2.74 (0.007)

Score for “dietary restriction”M&R subscale

1.63 (1.78)

1.41 (1.59)

1.92 (1.96)

1.89 (0.059)

  1. EDE-Q Eating Disorder Examination Questionnaire, HADS Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale, M&R Global Outcome Assessment Scale, Morgan and Russell