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Table 3 Sexual orientation differences in treatment outcome (primary hypothesis), working alliance and treatment expectation (secondary hypothesis)

From: Sexual orientation differences in treatment expectation, alliance, and outcome among patients at risk for suicide in a public psychiatric hospital


Heterosexual M (SD) or n (%)

Sexual Minority M (SD) or n (%)

t-test or OR (95%-CI)

Cohen’s d (95%-CI) Regression Coefficient (SE)

Treatment Outcome (Primary Hypothesis)

Difference Intake vs. Discharge

 Suicide ideation

4.80 (7.76)

5.31 (7.88)

−0.66 (200.88)

−0.06 (−0.26–0.13)


Unadjusted 0.51 (0.76)


Adjusteda 2.26 (3.65)


3.55 (4.86)

3.67 (4.76)

−0.03 (206.18)

−0.03 (−0.22–0.17)


Unadjusted 0.13 (0.479)


Adjustedb 0.82 (0.55)


12.51 (10.80)

12.78 (10.91)

−0.25 (201.46)

−0.02 (−0.22–0.17)


Unadjusted 0.27 (1.06)


Adjustedc 11.78 (4.98)*

Responder Analysis

Suicide Ideation


194 (39)

57 (44)




74 (15)

26 (20)

1.20 (0.69–2.04)

Adjustedd 0.44 (0.18–1.05)


234 (47)

48 (37)





93 (19)

22 (17)




290 (58)

86 (66)

1.25 (0.75–2.15)

Adjustede 2.01 (0.97–4.16)


119 (24)

23 (18)





304 (61)

84 (64)




127 (25)

37 (28)

1.06 (0.67–1.63)

Adjustedf 0.77 (0.46–1.28)**


71 (14)

10 (8)



Secondary Hypothesis

 Treatment Expectancy (at intake)

73.13 (23.29)

73.70 (23.06)

−0.25 (204.65)

−0.02 (−0.22–0.17)



0.54 (2.28)



16.53 (8.06)*

 Working Alliance (at discharge, n = 629)

47.54 (9.07)

48.37 (9.46)

−0.90 (193.23)

−0.09 (−0.28–0.10)



0.83 (0.90)



12.74 (5.06)*

  1. Note:
  2. aAdjusted for nationality, diagnosis (F3, F6, F7), length of stay, and interaction F7 x SM, and length of stay x SM
  3. bAdjusted for income, mother language, diagnosis (F0, F3, F6, F8), length of stay, and interaction F6 x SM
  4. cAdjusted for income, mother language, F3 diagnosis, length of stay, and interaction length of stay x SM
  5. dAdjusted for gender, mother language, F6 diagnosis, length of stay, and the interactions F3 x SM, F6 x SM, and length of stay x SM
  6. eAdjusted for nationality, length of stay, and F4 diagnosis (with interaction term F4 x SM)
  7. fAdjusted for mother language, length of stay, and interaction of SM x length of stay
  8. gAdjusted for age, education, income, diagnosis (F1, F3, F6, F8), length of stay, nationality, and nationality x SM
  9. hAdjusted for age, income, mother language, F6 diagnosis, nationality, nationality x SM, length of stay, and length of stay x SM
  10. *p < .05. **p < .01