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Table 2 Costs over 32 weeks (intention-to-treat)

From: Economic evaluation of an experience sampling method intervention in depression compared with treatment as usual using data from a randomized controlled trial


ESM-I (n = 33)

Pseudo-intervention (n = 35)

Control (n = 33)

Regression coefficients; B (p-value obtained from permutation analyses)


M (SD)

M (SD)

M (SD)

ESM-I vs Control

ESM-I vs Pseudo-intervention

Health care use (total)a

€6751 (€19420)

€6510 (€7315)

€6520 (€14082)

-€165 (p = 0.96)

€1818 (p = 0.66)


€104 (€296)

€25 (€56)

€75 (€171)

€12 (p = 0.82)

€36 (p = 0.54)

Total health costsb

€7648 (€19402)

€7225 (€7304)

€6596 (€14072)

€640 (p = 0.80)

€1957 (p = 0.61)


 Absence from work

€6067 (€13691)

€4732 (€9372)

€5379 (€11889)

€945 (p = 0.74)

€857 (p = 0.75)

 Productivity loss at work

€4234 (€7721)

€4858 (€8438)

€4241 (€7627)

€605 (p = 0.76)

-€594 (p = 0.80)


€17957 (€31329)

€16816 (€17595)

€16216 (€27756)

€2483 (p = 0.74)

€2152 (p = 0.75)

  1. aSeveral types of health care consumption see Additional file 3: Table S1
  2. bIncluding intervention costs in ESM-I and pseudo-intervention group