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Table 1 RAPID Inclusion and Exclusion Criteria

From: Pragmatic RAndomised controlled trial of a trauma-focused guided self-help Programme versus InDividual trauma-focused cognitive Behavioural therapy for post-traumatic stress disorder (RAPID): trial protocol

Inclusion Criteria

Participants must be:

 1) Aged 18 or over

 2) Screen positive for PTSD to a single traumatic event on the Trauma Screening Questionnaire (TSQ)

 3) Have regular access to the internet in order to complete the steps and homework required by the GSH programme

 4) Be willing and able to give informed consent to take part

 5) After a 2 week monitoring period, continue to meet CAPS-5 criteria for mild to moderate PTSD (score less than 50)

 6) Have PTSD as their primary diagnosis.

Exclusion Criteria

A person is not eligible to enter the trial if any of the following apply (all of these are measured via self-report):

 1) Inability to read and write fluently in English

 2) Previous completion of a course of TFPT for PTSD

 3) Currently engaged in a psychological therapy

 4) Change in psychotropic medication in the last 4 weeks

 5) Psychosis

 6) Substance dependence

 7) Active suicide risk