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Table 1 Systematic data recorded during recruitment and two-yearly follow-ups in ADBS

From: Discovery biology of neuropsychiatric syndromes (DBNS): a center for integrating clinical medicine and basic science

Sociodemographic data

Age, gender, education, language, ethnicity/region of origin

Brief assessments

Psychiatry clinical work-up sheet with history of the presenting illness, detailed assessment of the family pedigree, developmental history assessment and mental status examination.

Medical history

History of previous medications – effects and adverse events

Physical examination

DSM V cross-cutting diagnostic assessment [73]

M.I.N.I. international neuropsychiatric interview (Version 5.0.0) [74]

Family interview for genetic studies (FIGS) [75]

Adult ADHD self-report scale (version 1.1) [76]

Hindi mental state examination (HMSE) [77]

Clinical global impression severity rating (CGI-S) [78]

Neurodevelopmental endophenotype assessments – clinical (general)

Adult temperament questionnaire [79]

20 Item mini-IPIP [80]

Global assessment of functioning (GAF) [81]

Work and social adjustment scale (WSAS) [82]

Adverse childhood experiences international questionnaire (ACE-IQ) [83]

Interview for recent life events (IRLE) [84]

Kuppuswamy scale [85]

Edinburg handedness inventory [86]

Neurodevelopmental endophenotype baseline assessments – clinical (psychopathology specific)

Schedule for assessment of positive symptoms (SAPS) [87]

Schedule for assessment of negative symptoms (SANS) [88]

Young’s mania rating scale (YMRS) [89]

Hamilton depression rating scale (HDRS) [90]

Hamilton anxiety rating scale (HARS) [91]

Yale-Brown obsessive compulsive scale [92]

Clinical dementia rating Scale [93]

Neurodevelopmental endophenotype assessments – cognitive

Digit Forward Span (attention and concentration) [94]

Color trails 1 (processing speed) [95]

Verbal N Back 1&2 (working memory) [96]

Color trails 2 (cognitive flexibility) [95]

Stop signal task (response inhibition) [97]

Rey-Osterrieth Auditory Verbal Learning Test (verbal learning and memory) [98]

2nd order theory of mind stories (theory of mind) [99]

Neurodevelopmental endophenotype assessments – neuroimaging

T1-weighted structural magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)

Structural White Matter- Diffusion Tensor Imaging (DTI) using an echo planar imaging sequence

Rest-functional MRI

Task-functional MRI: emotion processing [31, 100]

Task-functional MRI: word generation [33]

Neurodevelopmental endophenotype assessments – psychophysics & clinical electrophysiology

Eye-tracking studies – saccade experiments [101] and smooth pursuit eye movement (SPEM) experiments [102]

Functional Near Infrared Spectroscopy (fNIRS): resting state and during cognitive experiments (tower of London task [103] & facial emotion processing task)

Electroencephalography – resting state [35] and P50-suppression [104]