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Table 1 The semistructured interview guide for patients

From: Continue, adjust, or stop antipsychotic medication: developing and user testing an encounter decision aid for people with first-episode and long-term psychosis

General impression and purpose:

• Can you describe in your own words the purpose of the grid?

• What is your overall impression of the grid?

• In your opinion, who is the grid intended for?

• How helpful do you think such a tool would be for you for decisions about the use of antipsychotic medication?

Content, wording, and appearance:

• Is there anything you’d add, delete, or change about the opening instructions of the DA?

• Is there anything you’d add, delete, or change about the information in the row ‘What does this involve?’ †

• Are there other questions that you feel would be important to include?

Usability and potential contribution to the psychiatric consultation:

• In your opinion, how would this tool best be incorporated into aclinic’s workflow? (prompts: Before the visit at home? Before visit by clinic staff? During visit? After visit?)

• Do you think there is room for such a tool in psychiatric care?

• Would you prefer a static version (paper and pencil) or an interactive paper (for example on a tablet or mobile device)?

• Would you like the clinician to use this tool as part of your meeting/consultation? (Why?)

• How do you think patients will respond to such a tool?

• How do you think clinicians will respond to such a tool?

†Four more questions like this were asked for each of the additional rows in the decision aid.