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Table 2 Summary of perceived facilitators and barriers

From: Experiences with the implementation of Individual Placement and Support for people with severe mental illness: a qualitative study among stakeholders




1. Innovation

 1.1 IPS


Evidence based effectiveness of IPS

Costs of IPS


Key principles of the IPS model

IPS model fidelity scale and fidelity reviews


Compatibility of IPS with existing work procedures

 1.2 Collaboration

  Between organizations involveda

Regular meetings of stakeholders

Clients’ privacy and medical confidentiality


Sharing information, knowledge and expertise

Organization of the structural meetings


Pre-existing relationships and collaboration between stakeholders

Lack of involvement of practitioners in vocational rehabilitation


Shared interests, goals and vision of stakeholders

Lack of communication between decision makers and practitioners

  Professionals involved

  Stakeholders characteristics

Mandate and influence of decision makers


  Attitude and beliefs

Ownership of IPS and collaboration

IPS not experienced as part of the mental health treatment


Work not experienced as a achievable goal for people with SMI

 1.3 IPS funding

  Secured fundingb

Substantial funding for IPS

Fragmented funding


Lack of clarity with regard to costs of IPS services


   Pay for performanceb

Pay for performance might encourage IPS specialists

Not appropriate to receive extra payments within health care setting


Covenant between involved organizations stimulates collaboration and funding

Lack of proven cost-effectiveness of IPS

Temporary financial agreements between the organizations involved

 2. Socio-political context


Support and funding of Ministry of Social Affairs and Employment

New Participation Act provides sense of urgency regarding participation of people with SMI

Dutch social safety net does not stimulate participation in paid work

New Participation Act has unwanted consequences

Health insurance act limits IPS funding by health insurance company

  1. aPart of the organizational implementation strategy. bPart of the financial implementation strategy