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Table 3 Topics mentioned in the brief open interview about TREAT (clinicians)

From: The development and evaluation of a computerized decision aid for the treatment of psychotic disorders

Positive feedback

Negative feedback

TREAT improved the efficiency of the treatment session. 5

The treatment recommendations were sometimes repetitive, when patients had already received certain treatment options in the past. 1,3

TREAT was a good reminder to talk about certain topics, which otherwise might be forgotten. 3,5

The specific diagnosis of the patient was not mentioned in TREAT. 3

The visual feedback was experienced as pleasant. 3

The treatment recommendations did not add much, new information. It was however convenient to explicitly go through the different options. 4

The visualizations were especially useful for the patient and it led to more shared-decision making. 1

The cut-off scores for the somatic parameters in TREAT were different than the cut-off scores the general practitioner uses. This is confusing. 2

Because of TREAT the discussion of the ROM results became a more explicit moment to make decisions. 1

The print version of TREAT was too long. The graphs take up much space. 2

When the treatment guidelines change, TREAT needs to be updated. The maintenance of TREAT is important. 2

The information the ROM nurse added to the ROM results did not appear in TREAT. Because of this, important information was sometimes missing. 2

ROM-Phamous was confusing and TREAT has made this better and clearer. 6

It is a risk that clinicians will only follow TREAT and forget about other potential problems. 5

Certain treatment options in the recommendations were new and I would not have thought of these options without TREAT. An example was ‘peer support groups’. 6

It would be helpful if TREAT could also lead to a template for a treatment plan. 5

The treatment session was more structured and I had the feeling we had discussed all the important issues, because of TREAT. 5

It would be nice to be able to compare ROM results of previous years with current results. 1

  1. Clinician identifier: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 & 6