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Table 1 Inclusion and exclusion criteria

From: Atorvastatin in the treatment of Lithium-induced nephrogenic diabetes insipidus: the protocol of a randomized controlled trial

Inclusion Criteria

Exclusion Criteria

Between ages 18–85

Already taking statins (at least 6 weeks prior to screening)

Bipolar Diagnosis in any phase of illness: euthymic, depressed or hypomanic. Any schizoaffective diagnosis.

History of adverse reaction to statins; allergy to statins

Diagnosed with NDI, defined by routine 10 h water restriction urine osmolality < 600 mOsm/Kg

Contraindications to statin use: pregnancy or lactation, use of fibrates and heavy alcohol use

Currently taking lithium medication (at least 2 months)

Inability to give consent or deemed to have moderate-severe cognitive disturbances by treating clinician

Able and willing to give informed consent

Active liver disease

Baseline LDL level < 1.5