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Table 1 Change in Child Outcome Variables During Step 1 Treatment of the Mother and Step 2 Parent-Child Training for Standardized Variables

From: Sequential treatment of ADHD in mother and child (AIMAC study): importance of the treatment phases for intervention success in a randomized trial

Outcome & informant

Control group

Treatment group

\( {\upalpha}_2^{\left(\mathrm{CG}\right)} \)

\( {\upalpha}_3^{\left(\mathrm{CG}\right)} \)

\( {\upalpha}_2^{\left(\mathrm{TG}\right)} \)

\( {\upalpha}_3^{\left(\mathrm{TG}\right)} \)

K-SADS blinded clinician



− 0.42*

− 0.42*

− 0.42*


− 0.25*

− 0.25*

− 0.25*

− 0.25*


− 0.16*

− 0.53*

− 0.16*

− 0.16*

SDQ mother



− 0.30*

− 0.30*

− 0.30*


− 0.05


− 0.24*

− 0.24*


− 0.19*

− 0.19*

− 0.19*

− 0.19*

HSQ mother



− 0.27*

− 0.27*

− 0.27*

FIQ mother



− 0.14*

− 0.14*

− 0.14*


− 0.20*

− 0.20*

− 0.20*

− 0.20*






SDQ teacher



− 0.11*

− 0.11*

− 0.11*


− 0.17*

− 0.17*

− 0.17*

− 0.17*


− 0.13*

− 0.13*

− 0.13*

− 0.13*

  1. Note. Results concern the final model of a series of nested piecewise linear latent growth models (within- and between-group analysis). In the case of equal coefficients (i.e., α2 and α3 in TG and CG), change rates did not significantly differ across treatment groups and/or steps and were constrained to be equal. \( {\upalpha}_2^{\left(\mathrm{CG}\right)} \) = mean of latent slope factor representing average change in CG during Step 1 (T1 to T2); \( {\upalpha}_3^{\left(\mathrm{CG}\right)} \) = mean of latent slope factor indicating average change in CG during Step 2 (T2 to T3); \( {\upalpha}_2^{\left(\mathrm{TG}\right)} \) = mean of latent slope factor representing average change in TG during Step 1 (T1 to T2); \( {\upalpha}_3^{\left(\mathrm{TG}\right)} \) = mean of latent slope factor indicating average change in TG during Step 2 (T2 to T3); K-SADS Kiddie-Sads-Present and Lifetime Version with the scales Inattention, Hyperactivity/Impulsivity and Oppositional defiant disorder, SDQ Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire with the scales Hyperactivity, Conduct Problems and Emotional Symptoms, HSQ Home Situation Questionnaire, FIQ Family Impact Questionnaire with the scales Impact on Social Life, Positive Feelings Toward Child and Negative Feelings Toward Child
  2. *p < .05