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Table 2 Neurocognitive test results in three subject groups

From: The improvement in neurocognitive functioning in anorexia nervosa adolescents throughout the integrative model of psychotherapy including cognitive remediation therapy


AN 1 (n = 47)

AN 2 (n = 47)

HC (n = 50)

Trail Making Test (TMT)

 Part A (s)

25.00 (5.23) ###

23.81 (5.89) #

21.38 (4.55)

 Part B (s)

54.89 (16.26) ###***

45.36 (11.56)

41.68 (7.78)

 Part A + Part B

79.89 (18.7) ###***

69.17 (13.79) #

63.06 (10.65)

Color - Word Stroop Task (CWST)

 Reading colour names in black - RT (ms)

25.74 (5.41) ###**

23.34 (4.54) ###

19.64 (5.32)

 Reading colour names in black - error rates

0.02 (0.14)

0.11 (0.48)

0.00 (0.00)

 Naming colour of word-different - RT (ms)

47.66 (10,85) ###*

42.89 (13,16)

40.98 (8,08)

 Naming colour of word-different - error rates

0.47 (0.93) ##

0.47 (0.93) ##

1.16 (1.27)

Ruff Figural Fluency Test (RFFT)

 Ruff Figural Fluency Test – total

66.74 (23.95) ###***

87.91 (25.18)

80.64 (15.65)

 The Error Ratio

0.55 (1.14) #

0.34 (0.38) #

0.22 (0.17)


0.06 (0,25) #*

0.40 (0.97)

0.54 (1.15)


0.15 (0.51)

0.11 (0.48)

0.12 (0.33)

  1. AN1 patients with anorexia nervosa before therapy, AN2 patients with anorexia nervosa after therapy, HC healthy controls
  2. Mean and standard deviation presented
  3. *p ≤ 05 versus AN2, **p ≤ 0.01 versus AN2, ***p ≤ 0.001 versus AN2, # p ≤ 0.05 versus HC, ## p ≤ 0,01 versus HC, ### p ≤ 0.001 versus HC