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Table 2 Characteristics of non-randomized studies examining the effect of cognitive behavior group therapy

From: Cognitive behavioural group therapy for male perpetrators of intimate partner violence: a systematic review

Study, year, country



(N, mean age)


Control condition

Outcome definition

Length of follow-up

Results: primary outcome

Haggård et al. [31], 2017, Sweden

Prison and probation offices

Consecutive sample of male IPV perpetrators:

(N = 792, mean age 39.55 years)

Manual-based group program for male perpetrators (IDAP), including a pro-feminist psychoeducational approach

Concomitant IPV offender controls

who did not enter IDAP

Any new convictions for any violent recidivism and IPV during the follow up time

From time of recruitment unto study (2004–2007) until March 2, 2011. Mean time at risk, 4.6 years

19% (N = 65) of IDAP participants and 19% (N = 84) controls recidivated in violence against a partner or former partner

Boira et a. [32], 2013, Spain

Setting unclear. Treatment delivered by psychologists specialized in intimate partner violence

Male perpetrators convicted for IPV and court ordered to treatment

(N = 62, mean age 39.70 years)

Three treatment modalities:

1. Structured group

2. Unstructured group (open group format)

3. Individual therapy

Waiting list

Police reports on new intimate partner violence

18 months

6.4% of the participants across the interventions were reported to the police for new intimate partner violence

  1. CBT Cognitive Behavioural Therapy, IDAP Integrated Domestic Abuse Program, IPV Intimate Partner Violence