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Table 1 Demographics and clinical characteristics of the analysis sample (N = 90)

From: Psychometric evaluation of a screening question for persistent depressive disorder


n (%)

Sex (female)

46 (51)

Married and cohabiting

24 (27)

Higher secondary school qualifying for university

30 (33)


51 (57)

Day clinic patients

72 (80)


mean (SD / range)

Age (years)

41.67 (13.70/19–64)

Use of health care resources in past 12 months

 nights spent as an inpatient in a clinical facility

12.41 (24.05)

 visits to a psychiatrist/neurologist

3.82 (5.67)

 visits to a psychotherapist

6.35 (9.97)


n (%)


58 (64)

  persistent depressive episode

17 (19)

  with intermittent depressive episodes, with current episode

39 (43)

  with intermittent depressive episodes without current episode

1 (1)

  with pure dysthymic syndrome

1 (1)

 Recurrent depressive disorder

27 (30)

  with current depressive episode

23 (26)

  currently in partial remission

4 (4)

 First depressive episode

3 (3)


2 (2)

  severe anxiety disorder

1 (1)

  recent suicide attempt

1 (1)

 Up to five depressive episodes in their lifetime

58 (64)

 Early onset of depression (before age of 21)

50 (56)


mean (SD)

 Number of depressive episodes

8.93 (15.83)

 Depression severity



10.58 (4.44) *


15.14 (5.77) *

  1. Note. SD standard deviation. * The average severity of depression can be rated as moderate