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Table 1 Content of the interactive online intervention

From: Development and evaluation of e-mental health interventions to reduce stigmatization of suicidality – a study protocol

Chapter 1: Psychoeducation

 - Evidence-based health information: meaning of suicide respectively suicidality, frequency of suicide, possible causes of suicidality, warning signs, precipitating events, risk- and protective factors

 - Werther- and Papageno effect

 - Suicidality as a continuum

 - Suicide taboo: meaning and function of a taboo in general and for suicide in particular, reasons for tabooing suicide

 - Suicide stigma: meaning of stigma and stigmatization in general and concerning persons with experience of suicide, self-stigma, suicidality as consequence of stigmatization, difference between experienced and anticipated stigmatization, suicidality in various situations (migration background, serious physical dieseases, higher age, homosexual or bisexual orientation, transgender)

 - Selected results of the representative population survey

 - Falsities concerning suicidality opposed to reality

Chapter 2: Experience reports on suicidality

 - Video reports and text messages by persons with an experience of suicide: e.g. understanding suicide attempts or thoughts, helpful strategies to deal with suicidality from the perspective of affected persons (e.g. “What helped me to deal with suicidal thoughts?”; “What helped me to deal with the suicide of a close person?”)

Chapter 3: Strategies I - Behavior, Body, Mind, Feelings

 Strategies to deal with suicidality or stigmatization:

  - Explaination of the link between behavior, body, thoughts and feelings

  - Behavior: link between activity and well-being, creating a personal list of positive activities

  - Body: Progressive muscle relaxation

  - Mind: cognitive restructuring technique, questioning stigma related thoughts

  - Feelings: Psychoeducation about feelings, feelings connected with stigma, Mindfulness technique

Chapter 4: Strategies II - Communication

  - How to talk about suicidality: communication tips

Chapter 5: Personal goal setting

  - Personal goal setting according to “SMART” criteria (specific, measurable, agreed, realistic, and time specific). Three personal goals can be set.