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Table 1 Overview of variables and measures for the four data sources across the three arms of the study (suicides, high-risk self-harm cases, GP patient controls)

From: Psychosocial, psychiatric and work-related risk factors associated with suicide in Ireland: optimised methodological approach of a case-control psychological autopsy study


Coroner’s checklist (suicide cases only)

Self-report (semi-structured interviews) (self-harm patients & GP controls only)

Family informants (all three arms)

Healthcare professionals (all three arms)

Cause of death and circumstances; Description of self-harm and circumstances

Description of manner and cause of death

Circumstances around suicide

(objective intent SIS)

Date of death

Verdict based on inquest

Toxicology results

Description of method of self-harm act

Circumstances around self-harm act

(objective intent SIS)

Circumstances around self-harm act

(subjective intent SIS)

Description of manner and cause of death

Circumstances around suicide/self- harm act (objective intent SIS)

Description of manner and cause of death

Circumstances around suicide/self-harm act (objective intent SIS)


Employment status

Profession and setting

Contractual agreement

Employment Sector (NACE)

Job insecurity (COPSOQ)

Work-family conflict (COPSOQ)

Social community at work (COPSOQ)

Job demands (JCQ - short form)

Job control (JCQ - short form)

Job support (JCQ short form)

Employment status

Profession and setting

Contractual agreement

Employment sector (NACE)

Job insecurity (COPSOQ)

Work-family conflict (COPSOQ)

Social community at work (COPSOQ)

Job demands (JCQ - short form)

Job control (JCQ - short form)

Job support (JCQ short form)

Employment status

Profession and setting

Contractual agreement

Employment sector (NACE)

Profession and setting

Psychiatric, psychological

Precipitants - Stressful and traumatic events (short checklist)

History of non-fatal suicidal behaviour

Suicidal behaviour by role models

Family/personal history (esp. abuse/violence)

Psychiatric history incl. Psychiatric diagnoses

Physical health

Alcohol and drug abuse

Primary care history

Psychiatric treatment (incl. Psychotropic medication) history

Precipitants - Stressful and traumatic events (long checklist)

History of non-fatal suicidal behaviour

Suicidal behaviour by role models Family/ personal history (exp)

Psychiatric history (incl. Views of service)

Physical health (diagnosed illnesses, pain, reduction of physical capabilities)

Alcohol and drug abuse

Primary care history (short)

Recent depressive symptoms

Impulsivity [DII]

Coping [Brief COPE]

Precipitants to death - traumatic

events (long checklist)

History of non-fatal suicidal behaviour

Suicidal behaviour by role models

Family/ personal history (exp)

Psychiatric history (incl. Views of service)

Physical health

Alcohol and drug abuse

Primary care history (short)

Recent depressive symptoms

Impulsivity (DII)

Coping [Brief COPE]

Precipitants to death-stressful and traumatic events (open question)

History of non-fatal suicidal behaviour

Family/ personal history (esp. abuse/violence)

Psychiatric history incl. Psychiatric diagnoses

Physical health

Alcohol and drug abuse

Primary care history

Psychiatric treatment (incl. Psychotropic medication)

Recent depressive symptoms


Life events

Social network [DSSI-10]

Life events

Social network [DSSI-10]

Life events

Life events