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Table 2 Theme one – staff considering the needs, risks, preferences for and impact of SEWB research participation for staff, patients and community

From: ‘We’re here to listen and help them as well’: a qualitative study of staff and Indigenous patient perceptions about participating in social and emotional wellbeing research at primary healthcare services


Description of subtheme

Perceiving a need

For research addressing community priorities

Feeling pressure

To ensure patients had a positive experience with the research, which could be harmed if:

– Patients respond negatively to depression as a topic

– Patients become upset from speaking about SEWB problems

– Patients are offended by being asked about research/SEWB problems

To respond appropriately to patients who became upset or if SEWB problems were identified during research interviews

Because their dual role as researcher and community member contributed to pressure to ensure that research benefited patients and community after completion

Assessing suitability

Of patients’ circumstances before inviting them to participate

Of skills of interviewing staff to assess and treat SEWB

Being prepared

To support patients appropriately (if needed)

To ask about suicidal ideation/intent or hear about traumatic events

  1. Abbreviations: SEWB Social and emotional wellbeing