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Table 1 The 15 EMSs and the 5 schema domains of the YSQ-SF

From: Early maladaptive schemas impact on long-term outcome in patients treated with group behavioral therapy for obsessive-compulsive disorder

Schema domains and early maladaptive schemas (EMSs)


Disconnection and Rejection

Trouble obtaining stable and safe attachment to significant others. Persons with high scores in this domain may have experienced a traumatic childhood that, in adulthood, causes repeated unstable relationships or avoidance of close relationships.

Emotional Deprivation

The belief that others will not give emotional support


The belief that important others will leave


The belief that one will be exploited by others

Social Isolation/Alienation

The assumption of not belonging to others


The belief of being worthless to others

Impaired Autonomy and Performance

Difficulty functioning independently of others at same age. Persons with high scores in this domain may have experienced over-involvement from their parents in childhood and, in adulthood, may have difficulty mastering requirements and goals.


The belief that one is incompetent compared to others


The assumption that one can’t take care of oneself

Vulnerability to harm and illness

Expectation that an accident or illness is imminent

Enmeshment/Undeveloped Self

The feeling of fusion identity with important others


Tend to emphasize other’s needs and feelings at the expense of their own. Persons with high scores in this domain may not have experienced unconditional acceptance in childhood and in adulthood, they may be more likely to set aside their needs in favor of others’ needs.


The feeling that other’s needs are more important


Attention to other needs at the expense of oneself

Overvigilance and Inhibition

Strict control over own feelings and unrealistic high demands on oneself. In childhood, persons with a high score on this domain may have learned to pay more attention to danger compared to pursuing happiness, thus increasing levels of pessimism and worry in adulthood.

Emotional Inhibition

The assumption that one must not show emotions

Unrelented Standards/Hypercriticalness

The belief that one should do everything perfect

Impaired Limits

Difficulty in respecting the feelings and needs of others. Persons with high scores in this domain may have experienced limited rules and responsibilities in childhood, and as adults, may have difficulty with impulse control.


The belief of being superior to others

Insufficient self-control/Self-Discipline

Lack of self-control and low frustration tolerance

  1. The Table 1 is derived from Young [19]