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Table 1 Clinical features of the GUIDED intent-to-treat study population at baseline (week 0)

From: Comparing sensitivity to change using the 6-item versus the 17-item Hamilton depression rating scale in the GUIDED randomized controlled trial





TAU (N = 781)

Guided-Care (N = 760)

Total (N = 1541)


 Mean (SD)

20.74 (4.86)

20.49 (4.84)

20.62 (4.85)

 Min, Max

6.0, 35.0

4.0, 37.0

4.0, 37.0

Depression Category, n (%)

 None (0–7)

5 (0.6)

6 (0.8)

11 (0.7)

 Mild (8–13)

46 (5.9)

45 (5.9)

91 (5.9)

 Moderate (14–18)

189 (24.2)

209 (27.5)

398 (25.8)

 Severe (19–22)

270 (34.6)

241 (31.7)

511 (33.2)

 Very Severe (≥ 23)

271 (34.7)

259 (34.1)

530 (34.4)


 Mean (SD)

10.90 (2.16)

10.99 (2.11)

10.94 (2.13)

 Min, Max

1.0, 17.0

3.0, 18.0

1.0, 18.0

Failed Medication Trials

 Mean (SD)

3.54 (3.01)

3.45 (3.02)

3.49 (3.01)

 Min, Max

1, 34

1, 25

1, 34

Psychiatric Comorbidities, n (%)

 General anxiety disorder

104 (13.4)

127 (16.7)

231 (15.0)

 Panic disorders/social phobia

112 (14.4)

119 (15.7)

231 (15.0)

 Post-traumatic stress disorder

35 (4.5)

41 (5.4)

76 (4.9)

  1. SD standard deviation, TAU treatment as usual