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Table 3 Clinical Characteristics of the ADHD TIDAL Dataset

From: The ADHD teen integrative data analysis longitudinal (TIDAL) dataset: background, methodology, and aims

Estimated Full Scale IQ M (SD)

96.59 (13.13)

ADHD Diagnosis % (n)

 ADHD-Predominantly Inattentive Type

46.6 (398)

 ADHD-Combined Type

53.0 (453)

 ADHD-Predominantly H/I

0.4 (3)

Oppositional Defiant Disorder % (n)

42.5 (363)

Conduct Disorder % (n)

5.7 (49)

Baseline ADHD Medication % (n)

35.9 (307)

School Accommodations % (n)

 Individualized Education Plan

33.4 (285)

 Section 504 Plan

18.5 (158)


45.9 (392)


2.2 (19)

Class Placement % (n)


17.0 (145)


68.5 (585)

 Regular + Special Education/Inclusion

12.1 (103)

 Self-Contained Special Education

1.8 (15)


0.7 (6)