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Table 2 Patient characteristics (N = 21)

From: Feasibility of group-based acceptance and commitment therapy for adolescents (AHEAD) with multiple functional somatic syndromes: a pilot study


Mean (range) or n (%)

Gender (female)

21 (100%)

Age, yearsa

18.5 (16.0–20.5)

Illness duration, yearsa

4.25 (1.4–13.0)



6 (28.6%)


14 (66.7%)

Family status:


 Parents divorced

12 (57.1%)

Comorbidity (medical)b:

8 (38.1%)

• Migraine

3 (14.3%)

• Asthma

2 (9.5%)

• Allergic rhinitis

4 (19.0%)

• Atopical dermatitis

2 (9.5%)

• Gallstone

1 (4.8%)

Comorbidity (psychiatric)b:

7 (33.3%)

• Hypochondriasis

3 (14.3%)

• Social phobia

2 (9.5%)

• Specific (isolated) phobia

1 (4.8%)

• Major depressive disorder, single episode, mild

1 (4.8%)

• Specific reading disorder

1 (4.8%)

Syndrome diagnosesc:

 Tension-type headache

21 (100%)

 Non-cardiac chest pain

18 (85.7%)

 Chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS)

13 (61.9%)


13 (61.9%)

 Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS)d

8 (38.1%)

Health-related quality of life: mean (SD)

 Physical health (aggregate score) (SF-36)

34.4 (7.5)

 Physical component summary (SF-36 PCS)

35.5 (8.6)

 Mental component summary (SF-36 MCS)

30.2 (13.5)

  1. aAt assessment, bsome patients have more than one comorbidity, cpost-hoc analysis from SCAN interview, dusing Rome IV criteria. However, the SCAN interview does not include the item ‘related to defecation’, hence percentage with IBS is likely underestimated