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Table 2 Interview guide

From: A qualitative exploration of what works for migrant adolescents in transcultural psychotherapy: perceptions of adolescents, their parents, and their therapists


First-line therapists (FLTs)

Transcultural therapists

1 Can you tell me something about your journey to this transcultural psychotherapy program?

How did you come to propose this transcultural consultation to this family? What factors led you to think it was indicated?

What factors do you think led the FLT to propose treatment with transcultural psychotherapy?

2 Do you remember what you felt during the first session and then the following? Can you tell me your memories of these sessions that affected you most? Is there a moment during the session that was most important to you?

Do you remember what you felt during the first session and then the following? How do you think that the family experienced these sessions? Can you tell me your most vivid memories of these sessions?

How did the first session go? And afterwards? What are your most vivid memories of this therapy?

3 What effects did the transcultural psychotherapy have (on you, your child, your family)? Can you describe them? What changes occurred?

What effects did the transcultural psychotherapy have on your patient? On the family? What changes did you observe?

What effects did the transcultural psychotherapy have on the patient? On the patient’s family? What changes did you observe?

4 What seemed useful to you in transcultural psychotherapy to make progress in the problems that existed at the start? What is it that helped you? Was there a moment that seemed decisive to you in this treatment? Can you tell me about it?

What do you think are the elements of transcultural psychotherapy that had a positive effect, that enabled changes? Was there a moment that seemed decisive to you in this treatment? Can you tell me about it?

What do you think are the elements of transcultural psychotherapy that had a positive effect, that enabled changes? Was there a moment that seemed decisive to you in this treatment? Can you tell me about it?