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Table 3 Cognitive Tasks and Domains

From: Toward identifying reproducible brain signatures of obsessive-compulsive profiles: rationale and methods for a new global initiative

Brain Circuit

Cognitive Domain

Cognitive Task


Dorsal “cognitive” CSTCa

Working Memory

Visual Spatial N-Back [71]

Percent of correct trials overall and per condition


Tower of London [114, 115]

Percent of correct trials overall and per task load

Ventral “cognitive” CSTCa

Response Inhibition

Stop-Signal [70, 116, 117]

Stop signal reaction time

Ventral “reward” CSTC

Reward Processing

Temporal Discounting [118,119,120,121]

Discount rate parameter on the intertemporal choice task [and risk aversion parameter on the risk aversion task]


Emotion Regulation / Executive Control

Emotional Stroop [115, 122]

Mean reaction time and Stroop effect

Sensorimotor CSTC

Motor Learning

Motor Sequencing [123,124,125,126]

Learning rate, speed and accuracy, variability in motor performance

Combination of CSTC

Reward learning / Decision Making

Two Stage Reinforcement Learning [127, 128]

Proportion of decisions to repeat a rewarded choice vs. an unrewarded choice following either a common or rare transition

  1. aWith the frontoparietal network