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Table 3 Absolute and relative distribution of indicative variables on complete dataset - escape/ absconding vs. no escape/ absconding

From: Escape and absconding among offenders with schizophrenia spectrum disorder – an explorative analysis of characteristics

Variable description


No escape/absconding

n/N (%)

mean (SD)

n/N (%)

mean (SD)

Age at admission


31.1 (6.8)


34.1 (10.2)

Age at SSD diagnosis


24.4 (5.6)


29.0 (9.6)

Dissocial behavoir reported during current hospitalisation

25/34 (73.5)


96/238 (40.3)


Events of rule breaking during current hospitalization

22/34 (64.7)


50/236 (21.2)


Amount of index offences


2.9 (2.2)


2.1 (1.7)

Daily cumulative olanzapine equivalent at dischargeª


24.1 (15.2)


18.6 (14)

Forbidden intake of drugs during current hospitalisation

14/34 (41.2)


11/240 (4.6)


Time spent in current forensic hospitalization (in weeks)


140.7 (126.8)


145.7 (142.7)

PANSS Score at admission


25.4 (12.8)


24.3 (12.4)

PANSS Score at discharge


11.9 (9.5)


11.4 (10.1)

  1. SD Standard deviation, PANSS positive and negative syndrome scale
  2. ªTo ensure comparability between different studies, daily neuroleptic doses were converted to olanzapine equivalents by using conversion factors derived from the classical weighted average dose method [65], the minimum effective dose method [66] or, in all other cases, from olanzapine equivalents based on international expert consensus [67]