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Table 2 Descriptive statistics, internal consistency (McDonald’s ω) and fit statistics for the two-factor model for the total adult community sample (Study 1), the adolescent community sample (Study 4), and the clinical sample (Study 5) on the six-item versions of the Social Interaction Anxiety Scale (SIAS-6) and Social Phobia Scale (SPS-6)

From: Psychometric properties of the social interaction anxiety scale and the social phobia scale in Hungarian adults and adolescents


Study 1 - Total adult community sample

Study 4 - Community adolescent sample

Study 5 - Clinical sample








M (SD)

5.41 (5.26)

6.63 (5.09)

10.67 (5.10)

Females: M (SD)

5.69 (5.37)

6.92 (5.32)

10.65 (4.91)

Males: M (SD)

4.69 (4.89)

5.88 (4.36)

11.67 (5.15)

McDonald’s ω





M (SD)

5.00 (5.37)

6.74 (5.49)

10.27 (5.86)

Females: M (SD)

5.47 (5.55)

7.26 (5.56)

10.45 (6.41)

Males: M (SD)

3.80 (4.69)

5.37 (5.06)

10.89 (3.95)

McDonald’s ω




 Fit statistics


CFI = .978, TLI = .972, RMSEA = .051 (90%CI = .047–.056), SRMR = .025

CFI = .970, TLI = .962, RMSEA = .049 (90%CI = .032–.067), SRMR = .035

  1. N Number of participants, M Mean, SD Standard Deviation