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Table 2 Inclusion and exclusion criteria

From: The role of trust and hope in antipsychotic medication reviews between GPs and service users a realist review

Inclusion criteria

Exclusion criteria

Adults (age 18 and above)

Service users currently under section (Mental Health Act, Forensic, Community Treatment Order) or currently in crisis or studies discussing Crisis services (Home Treatment Team etc)

Diagnosis of Psychosis, schizophrenia, psychosis like symptoms (SMI)

Animal studies

Medication reviews, care and treatment of service users diagnosed with SMI

Physical health reviews only, which do not include factors around treating SU or have medication reviews alongside

Published after 1954 (year the first antipsychotic was introduced)

Studies discussing prescription of non-antipsychotic medications

Published in English language

Studies from low- and middle-income countries

All study methodologies

Studies discussing the prevalence, and treatment of side effects by adding other (non-antipsychotic) medications

Prescription of antipsychotic medication in primary care

Studies discussing the prevalence or validity of a diagnosis of severe mental illness

Off – label prescribing

Excluded later:

• Studies investigating bipolar disorder

• Clozapine