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Table 1 Sociodemographic information (n = 25)

From: Treating alcohol use disorder in the absence of specialized services – evaluation of the moving inpatient Treatment Camp approach in Uganda

Age, mean (SD)

40.60 (10.71)

Male, N (%)

23 (92)

Marital Status, N (%)


8 (32)


8 (32)


7 (28)


2 (8)

Level of education, N (%)

 no schooling/some primary

4 (16)

 completed primary school/vocational school/some secondary

7 (28)

 completed secondary school

5 (20)

 completed “A-level”/some university

4 (16)

 completed university

5 (20)

Regular income, N (%)

14 (56)

Household composition, mean (SD)

 household members

5.84 (3.95)

 biological children

2.96 (2.26)

 biological children living in household

1.04 (1.59)