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Fig. 1 | BMC Psychiatry

Fig. 1

From: A quantitative comparison of two measures of postpartum depression

Fig. 1

Association between the RR of PPAT and the RR of EPDS ≥ 13 for demographic factors and pregnancy-related and obstetrical events. Based on adjusted RR’s. We adjusted for maternal age, parity, and highest attained education. If the two measures have exactly the same risk factor profile, the points would be on the solid line. Young age: Maternal age ≤ 24 years, Primiparous: Parity 1, Short education: ≤ 13 years of schooling, C-section, FS: Fetal stress, GH: Gestational hypertension, GDM: Gestational diabetes HG: Hyperemesis gravidarum, Low BW: Low birth weight, MC: Maternal care for known or suspected fetal problems, PE: Preeclampsia, PL: Perineal laceration, PPH: Postpartum haemorrhage, Preterm, PS: Puerperal sepsis, TAB: Threatened abortion, and Twins

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