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Table 2 Physiological, objective, and subjective variables collected during the study

From: Identifying patient-specific behaviors to understand illness trajectories and predict relapses in bipolar disorder using passive sensing and deep anomaly detection: protocol for a contactless cohort study


Continuous e-monitoring (Oura Ring)


(DASI, MEQ, ASRS, PHQ-9, Visual analog scale)

Clinician ratings



HR and HRV: average HR for each 5 mins of sleep period; lowest HR registered during sleep; average HR during the sleep period; HRV using RMSSD during the night and for each 5 mins of sleep period.



Sleep: local time when sleep starts and ends; onset latency; total duration of sleep; total duration of awakenings during sleep period; sleep efficiency; total amount of light, deep- and REM-sleep; restlessness (percentage of sleep time when movement was detected).

Activity: local time when local activity starts and ends; number of minutes during the day with low, medium, and high activity; number of inactive minutes during the day; number of minutes during the day when the user was resting (lying down or napping); number of minutes during the day when the user was not wearing the ring; total number of steps during the day.

Energy: energy consumption (MET) during low, medium, and high activity periods and during the day.


Baseline and end of study: MADRS: observed sadness.

YMRS: observed motor activity, irritability, rate and amount of speech, disordered language or thought, thought content, disruptive or aggressive behavior, appearance, insight.

Baseline and throughout the study:

Pharmacotherapy questionnaire: name, dose, and date medication started or changed; medication compliance




DASI: 12-item questionnaire to assess ability to perform a set of activities (personal care, ambulation, household tasks, sexual activity, recreational activity) to gauge functional cardiovascular capacity.

MEQ: 19 multiple-choice questions to determine chronotype.

Baseline and weekly:

ASRS: 6-item to assess mood, sleep, activity, grandiosity, and talkativeness.

PHQ-9: 9-item to assess mood, pleasure (anhedonia); sleep, energy, appetite, guilt, concentration, psychomotor retardation or agitation, thoughts of death or suicide and their impact on functioning.


Visual analog scale: self-rated fluctuations in mood, anxiety, and energy levels for each day

Baseline and end of study:

MADRS: reported sadness, inner tension, sleep, appetite, concentration, lassitude, inability to feel, pessimism, suicidal thoughts.

YMRS: mood, energy, sexual interest, sleep, irritability

  1. ASRS Altman Self-Rating Mania Scale, DASI Duke Activity Status Index Scale, HR heart rate, HRV heart rate variability, MADRS Montgomery-Asberg Depression Rating Scale, MET Metabolic Equivalent of a Task, MEQ Morningness-Eveningness Questionnaire, PHQ-9 Patient Health Questionnaire, 9 items, REM Rapid Eye Movement, RMSSD Root Mean Square of Successive Differences, YMRS Young Mania Rating Scale