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Table 2 Outcomes for the intervention and control groups

From: Effectiveness of crisis resolution home treatment for the management of acute psychiatric crises in Southern Switzerland: a natural experiment based on geography


Intervention group (n = 93)

Control group (n = 144)

Statistical test for the differencea

HoNOS difference at dischargeb: median (IQRc)

-8 (8)

-8 (8)

z = -0.345

Treatment length: median (IQR)

36 (23.5)

27 (17)

z = -3.251**

Readmission within 2 yearsd, n(%)

46 (49.5)

74 (51.4)

χ2 (1) = 0.084

Number of readmission dayse: median (IQR)

41 (56.8)

52 (62.5)

z = 0.254

  1. a χ2 test for categorical variables. Mann–Whitney test for continuous variables; the 95% confidence intervals for p-values used to assess statistical significance were estimated using the Monte Carlo method based on 10′000 samples
  2. b The HoNOS difference at discharge corresponds to the difference between the total HoNOS score at discharge and the total HoNOS score at admission. Data were missing for 8 patients in the intervention group and 21 in the control group
  3. c IQR = Interquartile range
  4. d Readmission within 2 years indicates if a patient was readmitted to the CPC and/or to CRHT at least once during the 2 years period following discharge
  5. e The number of readmission days corresponds to the total number of inpatient/CRHT days related to single or multiple readmissions during the 2 years period following discharge. Data were available for 39 patients in the intervention group and 74 in the control group
  6. *p-value < 0.05, ** p-value < 0.01, *** p-value < 0.001