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Table 3 Description of the categories of work-related stressors

From: The role of self-reported stressors in recovery from Exhaustion Disorder: a longitudinal study



Quantitative demands

Issues related to the amount, pace, and/or complexity of work, such as having a high workload, working under time pressure, performing cognitively demanding tasks, or working at multiple workplaces

Conflicts or bullying

Conflicts with colleagues, subordinates, or managers, feeling excluded at work, being subject to bullying or harassment, or working in a conflict-filled environment

Changing or lack of organizational structure

Lack of structure at work due to re-organizations or other reasons, having a high turnover of employees at one’s workplace, having unclear tasks or role at work

Deficient leadership

Issues related to leadership at work, including deficient or absent leadership, having a high turnover of managers, or lacking trust in one’s manager

Emotional demands

Work described as emotionally demanding or exhaustive due to for example care-giving tasks, dealing with complaints from clients, ethical stress, or not having enough competence for one’s assignments

Irregular working hours

Irregular or inconvenient working hours, long-distance commuting, travelling for work, or working overtime

Managerial responsibilities

Issues related to having managerial responsibilities at work

Job insecurity

Being dismissed from work or worrying about losing one’s job, issues related to having insecure or short-term employments

Discontent at work

General discontent or aversion towards the workplace, being preoccupied by thoughts about quitting or changing jobs, reporting one’s work as dull or monotonous

Deficiencies in work environment

Issues related to the physical or digital work environment, such as repeatedly having to change workspace, not having the necessary tools to perform one’s job, or having extensive problems with IT

Lack of reward

Perceived lack of reward at work, such as getting promises about a raise or other benefits that are not followed through, not getting the same raise or benefits as colleagues, feelings of working hard without getting anything back

Lack of autonomy or control

Having a controlling or rigid employer, not being allowed to participate in important changes regarding one’s work, being given tasks against one’s will