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Table 5 Description of the categories of private-related stressors

From: The role of self-reported stressors in recovery from Exhaustion Disorder: a longitudinal study



Relational problems

Relational conflicts, stressful separation or divorce, discontent with one’s role in the relationship, stress concerning long-distance relationships

Worries about family member

Extensive worries about family member with social problems such as addiction, psychiatric disorders, or somatic conditions such chronic as fatigue syndrome, diabetes, or cancer

High inner demands

Having high demands regarding performance at work or in private life, struggling with setting boundaries, taking on more tasks than what is needed or possible, being self-critical or sensitive to critique from others, over-compensating for personal shortcomings

Personal health issues

Issues concerning personal health described as increasing the perceived stress load, for example by being restricted in daily life by chronic pain or fatigue, going through extensive rehabilitation after an injury, or worrying excessively about one’s health

Caregiver stress (child)

Being the primary caregiver for a child with psychiatric disorders, such as ADHD, or chronic illness, such as narcolepsy

Financial worries

Suffering from financial strain or extensive worries regarding one’s financial situation

Residential worries

Issues related to one’s housing situation, for example having to perform extensive maintenance on one’s home, worrying about future renovations, working close to home and being reminded of work at home

Caregiver stress (parent)

Caring extensively for one’s parents or other close relative with psychiatric disorders or chronic somatic disorders for a longer period

Death of a family member

Loss of family member or close friend described as causing significant stress

Caregiver stress (partner)

Caring extensively for one’s partner with psychiatric disorders or chronic somatic disorders for a longer period

Change in family composition

Issues related to having a baby, adult children moving out of the household, or moving in with a partner and their children

Single parent

Having sole responsibility for household work and childcare, either by being a single parent or as a result of not getting support from one’s partner


Being the victim of psychological, physical, or sexual abuse

Stressful contact with authorities

Issues related to contact with the Social Insurance Agency, health care providers, or other authorities