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Table 3 Feasibility criteria and outcome

From: Clinical feasibility of cognitive behavioural therapy for insomnia in a real-world mixed sample at a specialized psychiatric outpatient clinic



Patient related feasibility criteria

 Number of patients interested in the treatment after given information, is sufficient to start at least one group per semester (i.e. around eight).

Yes. M = 11.6 interested patients per semester

 At least 50% of included patients attend the first session

Yes. 88% attended first session

 Patients attend on average at least three out of six sessions

Yes. M = 4.9 sessions out of 6

 Treatment drop-out, defined as attending less than three sessions in total, is below 50%

Yes. Drop-out rate 5.9%

Therapist related feasibility criteria

 Therapists find the treatment manual credible

Yes. All four therapists found the manual credible

 Therapists want to continue using manual after end of study

Yes. All four therapists wanted to use the manual after the end of study